IELTS General Vs. CELPIP General – The difference between them

Immigrate NowImmigration


To start, CELPIP stands for Canadian English Language Proficiency Index Program, specifically conceived for Canadian English assessment mostly for Immigration purposes, and IELTS stands for International English Language Testing System, having two options: Academic exam for study purposes and General Training exam for work or immigration purposes.


– They provide sample tests, videos, online information sessions, and online preparation courses.

– Computer-based test. Listening, Writing, Speaking, and Reading are computer-delivered.

– 3 hours duration in one sitting and time allocations.

– Online Results: Available via PDF in 4 to 5 calendar days after the test date.

– Score based on the Canadian Language Benchmark (CLB), going of 1 to 12 for Listening, Writing, Speaking, and Reading separately.



– They provide an IELTS preparation guide that could be downloaded through their website and practice tests as well.

– Speaking Test is done in person, while Reading, Listening, and Writing, are done as paper-based. Some centers offer Computer-based testing now.

– It doesn’t need to be completed on the same day, the speaking test is done separately at a different time, day, and possibly even location.

– Official results will be sent via regular mail or courier on the 13th day after the test(for the paper-based test and substantially faster if you take the Computer-delivered version).

– Scores go from 1 to 9 for each section.


So, what language test is best for you boils down to a personal decision, and only you should decide that. We can help you with immigration law advisory and put your best foot forward towards your residency goals!


Do you have IELTS/CELPIP score already and need a full representation? Schedule your consultation with one of our Licensed Immigration Professionals right now!